Play for Me Read online

Page 4

  “You can count on me,” said Sam as she extended her hand.

  “You don’t know how relieved I am,” said Jett as he let out a whoosh of air. “Gotta run because I have another meeting. Here is Toby’s card; here is a phone to reach me for anything. No question is too small, and here is Marvin, my business manager’s, card for filling out the necessary paper work. Welcome aboard, Sam.” He shook her hand and Sam could feel the roughness from playing guitar. “Oh, by the way? Dress is casual unless you have to make a TV appearance.”

  “I don’t think so,” said Sam. “I don’t like the way I look on television. I’ll save that pleasure for you.” Sam sat down at the desk to start work.

  “Hey, did I tell you how much I like you?” asked Jett with a smile. “Catch ya later.” He closed the door and had a big smile on his face as he went to greet Ian.


  Jett walked into the parlor and sat down with Ian. “What do you have for me? What’s going on?”

  “Did you hire her?”

  “Hire who?” asked Jett thoroughly confused as he reached for the canister of diagrams.

  “Jordan’s sister, Sam. Come on, Jett. She’s a nice kid. Don’t try to convert her into one of your little playthings. Think about what Jordan would say if that happened.”

  Jett sat back and looked at Ian thoughtfully. “You really think I’m like that? This terrible person who goes around and corrupts innocent women? Get out of here. You’ve seen the way women throw themselves at me. I don’t have to do anything. Sam isn’t anything like that, which is why I hired her. I have plenty of little kittens to take care of all of my needs.” Jett smiled at Ian with a sloppy grin. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

  “Of course not,” said Ian, pretending to be indifferent. “It’s like you, Jordan and I have a good friendship, and I hate to see her get hurt. I had a talk with her on the ride over her. She’s totally naive.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” laughed Jett. “Look who she grew up with? Listen, she knows how to run a business; she knows how musicians are, and she’s a hard worker. As a matter of fact, she’s already started. I bet your ass when we’re done here, I’ll go back to my office, and she’ll have it running in top form. She’s coming in tomorrow, too.”

  “Yeah, right,” mumbled Ian, still fuming. For some unknown reason, he felt very protective about Sam and didn’t like this idea one bit. “Here are the blueprints and here’s what I think would look good.”

  “Remember, I want tasteful. I don’t want it to look anything like this place,” said Jett firmly.

  “Maui has a thing about that. It doesn’t do gaudy,” said Ian with a laugh. “We’ll keep the exterior more or less the same. I think we should add another wing over here. That could be a bigger recording studio, because the rooms over here are too small. The staircase needs to be renovated, and I think we should make it wind around the upstairs.”

  “Yeah, I like that,” said Jett thoughtfully. “The kitchen needs to be totally redone. I mean look at the color of the appliances? Purple? I want stainless steel and the walls tiled to match the floor. I want it to flow into the family room so it can be one to enjoy the view of the ocean. Don’t take that away. Zebra walls are not my thing, man. That’s got to go. And what’s this shit in the master bathroom? I want all imported tile and a sunken Jacuzzi.”

  “Not a problem,” assured Ian as he jotted the notes down. “The other is the landscaping. I think we can do a better job. I assume you want your privacy in a tasteful way. Right now it’s too gangster looking.”

  “When can you get this done? I’m on tour for eleven months in Europe. Can it be done by then?”

  “Yeah, I think so. How do I get in touch with you in case something comes up?” asked Ian. “I mean I know what you want, but in case I run into a snag, or something I thought would look like, doesn’t gel.”

  “You can still call me” said Jett. He glanced down at his watch. “Shit! I have to meet with my producer. Listen, come with me while I check up on Sam and then Toby can take the two of you back to the hotel.”

  “Oh, I completely forgot,” said Ian as he reached into his pants pocket. “Got a girl for your show. She’s the hostess at the Beverly Hills.”

  Jett took the card, read it and chuckled. “Yeah, she’s my type. I’ll have my producer give her a call.” Jett looked up at Ian and laughed. “You really think you know me, don’t you?”

  “Hey, I see what I see,” said Ian nonchalantly. “What did you do with Sam?”

  “Follow me.” Jett led Ian past the studio and into the office where Sam sat behind a desk. She was knee deep in papers sorting them into piles labeling them as to what to do with them. Jett felt pleased because she had made herself right at home. “Hey.”

  “Ohmigod,” said Sam as she jumped, startled by the intrusion. “I wasn’t expecting you.” She grinned at Jett and Ian.

  “Just wanted to make sure the paper monster didn’t swallow you,” joked Jett. “Is it a disaster?”

  “Pretty much,” conceded Sam. “I think my predecessor just opened letters and threw them into a pile. I haven’t even turned on the laptop. But I did talk to Marvin, and got things straightened out. We’re going to lunch tomorrow.”

  “That sums it up, pretty much.” Jett sighed before continuing on, “We’re on our way out, so why don’t you pack it up for today? I don’t care what time you start tomorrow, but I won’t get in until late. I’ll introduce you to the staff so they know who you are.”

  Sam glanced from Jett to Ian who studied her carefully. “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” Ian smiled at her, wishing he didn’t find her so damn attractive. Her face flushed with excitement and her eyes sparkled.

  “Is it okay if I take the laptop home with me, so I can study what’s on it?” asked Sam still all business.

  “All work, no play makes a dull evening,” commented Jett wryly.

  “Really, I don’t mind. I need to get organized, then I’ll play.” Sam grabbed the laptop and cables and put them in her briefcase. “I‘m ready.” Both Sam and Ian followed Jett around where he led them into the kitchen.

  “This is my favorite person in the whole world,” commented Jett as he hugged a large older woman who swatted him away. “Mattie here is the best damn cook I’ve ever had Mattie? This is Sam, my new assistant. And that’s Ian.”

  “You look like you’ve got more sense than the last one he had,” commented Mattie as she shook Sam’s hand. “Just holler if you need anything.” Mattie turned to Ian and looked at him closely. “You’re more handsome than Jett. No wonder why he doesn’t like you.”

  “Mattie, that’s not true,” said Jett. “Ian and I are good friends.” Jett put his arm around Ian’s shoulder. “He’s just worried about Sam.”

  “Why are you worried about me?” asked Sam.

  “He’s afraid I’m going to corrupt you,” said Jett with a laugh as he emphasized the word corrupt with his fingers making imaginary quote marks.

  “I’ve got Jordan as a brother, do I need to remind you? If anyone would’ve corrupted me, Jordan has already done so. Seen it all, read the book, and even wore the tee shirt,” said Sam with a smile.

  “I like her,” said Mattie with a smile as she poked Jett in the stomach. “She’s not going to take any of your bullshit.”

  “See what I mean, guys? I just love my Mattie.” Mattie hit Jett on the rear with her wooden spoon and went back to whatever she had cooking on the stove.

  “Next is my handyman, Davis,” said Jett as he ushered Sam and Ian outside. An older gentleman busied himself on the lock of the back door and smiled a toothless grin at the trio. “Davis, this is Sam my new assistant, and this is Ian.”

  “Pleased to meet y’all,” he drawled. “Y’all just holler if you need anything.” Davis went back to the lock, not waiting for a reply.

  “Ah, here’s Toby,” said Jett thankfully. “Really guys, I gotta run.” Jett took off leaving Sam and Ian
to fend for themselves.

  “Hey, Toby,” said Ian. “We need a ride back to the hotel. Is Jett driving his own car?”

  “Yeah. You know Jett. Back to the hotel?”

  “I think so.” Ian turned to Sam. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Like I have big plans,” laughed Sam, and she followed Ian into the limo.

  “What are you going to do about lunch?” asked Ian.

  “Not much, maybe order some room service and get to work for Jett.” Sam looked out the window. “But it sure is a pretty day, out there.” She sighed wistfully.

  “I’ve got an idea. Have you ever been to Santa Monica Pier?”

  “No, I’ve always wanted to go. I’ve only have been to Navy Pier.” Sam sighed, realizing that she had so much living to do.

  “Navy Pier? Where’s that?” asked Ian.

  “Chicago.” Sam studied Ian carefully. “You don’t know much about Chicago, do you?”

  “I know about Frank Lloyd Wright. And the Sears Tower.”

  “It’s not called the Sears Tower anymore. But never mind.” Sam let it go.

  “Anything past Las Vegas is all a blur,” said Ian with a smile.

  “You’re a terrible snob,” admonished Sam with a wave of her hand.

  “How about we do lunch at Santa Monica? My treat.” Ian smiled graciously.

  “No, it’s Jett’s treat,” laughed Sam. “He said he’d pay for lunch.”

  “Even better,” smiled Ian, and then his expression grew serious. “You do have extra clothes if you want to walk on the beach?”

  “I brought some shorts and flip flops, if that’s what you mean. I hoped maybe I could get a chance to sightsee. I have no desire to go to Rodeo Drive, though.” Sam lifted her head and touched the tip of her nose with her finger. “Too snooty.”

  “You’re something else, you know? Every woman alive can’t wait to see Rodeo Drive,” laughed Ian.

  “Well, Ian? I’m Sam. I’m not your everyday woman.” Sam’s eyes were mischievous.

  “I can see that,” laughed Ian. “Meet me in the lobby in ten minutes.” They both went their separate directions.

  Chapter Four

  Ian couldn’t wait to get back down to the lobby. He thoroughly enjoyed Sam’s company. Maybe she won’t have any trouble working with Jett. She definitely showed some spunk. He saw that she had been waiting for him and greeted him with a smile. Sam looked very chic in her pair of white Capri’s and an emerald green tee shirt which matched the color of her eyes. She had pulled back her hair into a low ponytail and her sunglasses were perched on her head.

  “You are fast,” said Ian as he checked his watch. “This is the first time I had a woman waiting for me.”

  “Ha! You probably have broken hearts all over the place. Remember what Mattie said? You’re better looking than Jett,” laughed Sam as they walked to the door.

  “Do you think so?” asked Ian curious to see what Sam would say.

  “You’re not fishing for a compliment, are you?” Sam looked at him and felt sorry she had said anything because he looked genuinely hurt. “I mean, yeah. I can see where women would fall in love with you.”

  “What about you?” Ian had stopped walking and looked directly at Sam.

  “I’m not looking for a man,” said Sam as she continued to walk. As if she would really say what she felt, and get hurt. She remembered all too well having a crush on some of her brother’s friends. Let’s not forget the girls pretending to be her friend so they could date her brother. Sam had been down that road before. “So, where are going for lunch?” She smiled up at Ian who still stared at her.

  “Do you like Mexican? There’s this cheeky little restaurant along the pier, food is so-so but the Margaritas are really good!”

  “I’m not used to drinking at lunch time,” said Sam skeptically. “I hear it can be a bad habit.”

  “Look, you’re on vacation,” replied Ian as he held the restaurant door open for her. Sam couldn’t help but notice some very strange characters meandering outside.

  “Ian?” she asked tugging on his sleeve. “Are those hippies?” Sam pointed to a group of long haired, people dressed shabbily

  “Ah, yes. This is where it gets interesting. They are from the sixties, and never left the area. Most of them are off their rockers with all of the drugs they took. Just wait. After lunch, I’ll take you up to Venice Beach. It’s a trip.” Ian signaled the hostess and he and Sam were seated right away.

  “This looks good,” said Sam as she looked over the menu. “What do you recommend, besides the drinks?”

  “Anything,” said Ian. “How do you like your Margaritas?”

  “Frozen,” said Sam. “I think I’ll stick with a Taco Salad. If I have anything heavy, I’ll be sound asleep in no time.”

  “That’s cool. I have this really nice big bed…”

  “Stop,” laughed Sam. “Are you trying to be Jett?”

  “Just testing how you’ll handle yourself around him in case he makes a pass.” Ian stared at Sam thoughtfully.

  “I’ll tell him I don’t play on his team,” Sam said that with a straight face to gauge Ian’s reaction. She smiled when he appeared to be upset.

  “You’re gay?” Ian’s eyes opened wide in shock. “Is that why you don’t find me attractive, and you’re not looking for a man? You like women?”

  “Oh no,” said Sam laughing. “I like men, really sexy and virile.”

  “Then why don’t you find me attractive? How do you know I’m not sexy and virile,” countered Ian. The waiter had put some chips and salsa on the table along with their drinks.

  “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation,” said Sam. “Okay. I think you’re damn hot, but you know it. So that’s kind of a turn off. I’ve dealt with egos my whole life. Musicians and artists have a hold on the market.”

  “You think I’m hot?” Ian smiled lazily. “For a minute there, I thought I had lost my touch.”

  “Enough!” Sam put her hand up to stop the flow of conversation. “Tell me about Ian.”

  “What do you want to know?” asked Ian never breaking eye contact with her.

  “Like who are you? Where did you grow up, where you went to school? Have you ever been married? Who’s your current girlfriend? That type of stuff.” Sam looked at his hands and then smiled. “I don’t see a wedding ring or a tan line revealing there is a wedding ring.”

  “I’m not going to reveal everything,” said Ian coyly.

  “Jeesh,” commented Sam good naturedly as she rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.”

  “Why do you want to know about me? Do you plan on dating me?”

  “Of course not,” said Sam. “Especially if you have a girlfriend. Not into those kind of relationships.”

  “But you think you would date me if I didn’t have a girlfriend?” Ian enjoyed the banter between them.

  “No!” said Sam emphatically. “I would never date someone I didn’t know.”

  “But if I told you a little about myself, then you would date me?” asked Ian, curiously.

  “Look,” said Sam somewhat frustrated. “Forget I asked. You know, maybe this isn’t a good idea.” She started to get up, but Ian stopped her and took her hand.

  “I’m sorry. Please stay. I’m playing the devil’s advocate. You seem to think I’m this swinging, single guy who has dates with a different woman every night.”

  “What makes you different?” asked Sam.

  “You see, that’s where you have me all wrong. Let me tell you about Ian Andrews.” Ian became serious. “For your information, I love my work. I’m good at what I do and am basically happy. I grew up on the coast, my parents were very wealthy and traveled the world, but they never really had time for me. My parents always left me home with the nanny and my little brother. I went to Stanford and graduated at the top of my class. I served some years in the Navy, and when I came out, I started my own business. It just grew from there. Someone asked me to do a house in M
aui and I fell in love with the area. I designed and built my own house. You should see it sometime. As far as women are concerned, I am very specific about whom I date. I’ve never been married and am not looking to be right now. I like my women strong, independent, athletic and smart. As far as a girlfriend, I don’t have anyone. I’ve had casual dates with someone local, but for me, it’s platonic. However, she doesn’t see it that way. Now, are you satisfied?”

  “Yeah. I guess so.” Sam rested her chin on her hands. “See? You did it.”

  “No. I don’t like being pegged me for something I’m not.” Ian glared at Sam.

  “And you pegged me for something I’m not, as well,” countered Sam. “I guess we’re even.” She became quiet for a second. “So, how do you know my brother?”

  “When Jett called me, your brother happened to be there and we all hung out. Tell me, what’s it like to have a brother like him?” Ian dug into the chips and salsa.

  “I could tell you stories,” laughed Sam. “He’s my older brother, right? I worshipped the ground he walked upon, but let me tell you, he and his friends teased the living daylights out of me. I finally wised up and gave it right back to them. Then, I became one of the guys.” Sam noticed another Margarita had appeared. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “No. I think you can hold your own,” said Ian appreciatively. “It’s just you’re a lot of fun and easy to talk to.”

  “Because I’m a guy in a women’s body,” said Sam laughing. “After growing up the way I did, I’ll always be one of the guys. I’m going to change the subject. Your parents, your brother? Do you still keep in touch with them?”

  “My brother, yes,” said Ian. “He is happily married with three children. They live in Portland. My parents? I still have issues with them.”

  “I think we all have issues with our parents,” said Sam lightly. “Mine don’t want me to grow up.”

  “At least they’re around. My parents are always gone,” said Ian. “Just for the record, they haven’t even met their three grandchildren.”